Thursday, January 28, 2010


Wow.... another crew came! I guess Germany really loves fashion!
OMG ! My mom picked me up from school and said, "I hope you don't have too much homework today!" I actually had tons that day :(((
Off we went to Tough Cookies to meet Anna-Barbara and Daniel and the crew! They wanted to see all the new pieces that I made. They loved, loved, loved!!!!! the Valentine inspired collection! I love it too!
After that, we came home. Anna was so interested to see how I could create and complete a design in front of her! I did one ! I think she loved it! She wanted to wear it - just a bit too small for her since I made it for me!

Off to bed... just a little late (11:30 pm)... sssshhhh... homework not done. Hope I won't get in trouble with my teacher tomorrow. (He is super nice. I think he will understand!)
ciao for now,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bonjourno Italia!!!

Today I got to practice some of my Italian !
Valentina, a producer/reporter for Italian TV, came to interview and film me with her crew!
When she walked in, I couldn't believe how pretty and stylish she is!
Well, of course!
She is Italian!
Total fashionista she is! So of course, we got along great!
While she watched me design and create dresses, I looked at her fabulous outfit!
Loved her grey tights and jean shorts! Sooooooo Italian!

It sure made me feel great that even Valentina would love one of my masterpieces!
Off to work (that is the sewing room)... I go...
ciao for now,
xoxoxoxo Cecilia

Friday, January 22, 2010

How do you say "down dog" in German?

Can you believe another German TV network wanted to do a story on me!
Dagmar and her crew came to the house today after school !
When I showed them my sewing and designing room (which used to be the play/yoga room),
Dagmar couldn't believe I had made so many new pieces since the first German TV piece...
I did a little fashion show for them , trying on lots of my new dresses... walking on a runway! Funny, because it was on my front yard on the grass... I am sure it will look good on tv!
Dagmar was super nice! Besides fashion, she likes yoga! So my mom and I had other things to chat with her about too!
How do you say "down dog" in German?
Can't wait to see the piece! Keep checking the press page to see if it has aired yet.
Auf wiedersehen (of course that means "goodbye" in German)

I have heard Heidi Klum say it a million times on Project Runway but I didn't know how to spell it. I had to go to Google to see how to spell it.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today I had no school in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr...
I have dreams, too!
I have a dream that there will be no poor children.
I have a dream that all little girls will get to wear dresses if they want to.
I have a dream that all children will be healthy and that all babies will get milk.
I have a dream that all children in Haiti will be okay and that their schools will be rebuilt.
I have a dream that all children will get to learn.
I have a dream that all children will get to pursue their dreams.
What is your dream?
p.s. of course I dream of going back to Paris soon and meeting Karl Lagerfeld! !!!!!
xoxo ciao for now, Cecilia

Sunday, January 17, 2010


The best part of the show was when the new designers got to run through Central Park and grab as many rolls of fabric as they wanted. Can you imagine? OMG ! I would go crazy! That would be one of the best things that could ever happen to me .... well, you know what I mean, right? Going to the fabric store - especially MOOD - is one of my favorite things to do! Better than the candy store and defs better than Disneyland! Well, watching those designers run through Central Park grabbing everything they wanted, made me think about what I would like to grab from the fabric store! I mean, it was kinda getting to be time to start a spring and summer collection! So,... lucky me! I went to MOOD this weekend and... VOILA ! I can't wait to show you what I actually chose - since I did NOT get to get everything I wanted!!!! I had to chose just a few yards of fabric but, I think I got some fab stuff! Off to designing I go!
xoxoxo ciao for now, cecilia